The Antique Cufflink Gallery, your geometric cufflink experts. (J9282) Antique and Estate Jewelry Gallery Antique Cufflink Gallery Purhasing an estate jewel.

Black and Gold Cufflinks

Hexagonal gold cufflinks with black enamel tracery. (J9282)

Striking Geometry

Intricate designs accented with black enamel frame a striking geometry of nested hexagons and triangles.  These elegant cufflinks reflect the Art Deco love for rich, repeated patterns and abstract geometric forms.  Created in 10kt gold,  circa 1925.

Hexagonal gold cufflinks with black enamel tracery. (J9282)

The cufflinks are well constructed with brightly polished gold backs, sturdy brackets and strong cross bars.  The cross bars are stamped with the maker's mark of Ostby & Barton ("OB") and "10K" for the purity of the gold.

Close-up of Ostby & Barton maker's mark. (J9282)

The jewelry maker Ostby & Barton was founded in 1879 in Providence, Rhode Island.  The firm created fine cufflinks and other jewels for over 80 years.  One of the founders, Engelhart Ostby, was lost in the ill-fated voyage of the Titanic in 1912.

Name:  Striking Geometry

Cost:  $485

Measurements:  These 10kt gold cufflinks measure  9/16" in diameter and weigh a total of  4.4 grams.

Hexagonal gold cufflinks with black enamel tracery. (J9282)

Here are a few more elegant cufflinks from the past ...

William Huger finely engraved cufflinks. (J9435) Krementz writhing serpent cufflinks. (J9284) Carter, Gough Art Deco bloodstone cufflinks. (CL9613)

Antique Jewelry Galleries      Antique Cufflink Gallery

If you have any questions, suggestions or comments, I can be reached at  or  978 412-6633.

Or, if you prefer snail mail, my postal address is:

Arthur Anderson
PO Box 1448
Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA

"The Jewelry Experts" and "The Jewelry Expert"
are Trade Marks of
Bijoux Extraordinaire, Ltd.

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